International spiritual programs, yoga retreats, ashrams with the successor to the living tradition of the Tamil Siddharas Guru Murugan
Professor, Doctor of Yoga, Marma and Siddha Ayurveda Murugan (Vipulanantan Murugatas) is the founder of the International Yoga Siddhi Center, has the highest rank in yoga - Doctor of Yoga and is the fourth representative of Kadapaichitar Guru Parampara, senior student of Swami Sri Sidananda Saraswati Yoga.
Siddhar Murugan is a master who has cognized the highest stages of yoga. Communicating with him, you realize how many-sided yoga is and how valuable are the traditional yoga techniques, which for centuries served as a tool for realizing the highest truths that led yogis of different generations to the highest levels of realization. He generously shares his purest stream - the knowledge that came to him from the great yogis who completed their earthly path of samadhi.
On February 2, 2019, Guru Murugan set a world record for doing 1.5-hour yoga sadhana on ice with 60 minutes of headstand fixation, demonstrating the powerful result of his pure yoga sadhana that infinitely increases and transforms the resources of the human body and mind.
Семинар «САДХАНА – УСПЕХ ЖИЗНИ» в Самаре
Самара, Россия
28-29 ноября 9.00-18.00
Семинар «САДХАНА – УСПЕХ ЖИЗНИ» в Воткинске
Воткинск, Россия
5-6 декабря 9.00-18.00
Углублённый курс
по Марматерапии
Казань, Россия
По сбору группы
Базовый курс
по Марматерапии
Казань, Россия
По сбору группы
Углублённый курс
по Марматерапии
Казань, Россия
C 9 по 15 декабря, 2020
Мастерский курс
по Марматерапии
Казань, Россия
По сбору группы
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